Saturday, July 16, 2011


One thing we always look forward to is Nana and Papa's annual beach trip. This year we loaded up two children and all the "stuff" it requires to maintain their quality of life and headed down to Panama City to meet Nanny, Papa, Uncle Matt, Uncle Mark, Aunt Cole, and the cousins for 7 fun filled days.
One of the perks of going to the beach with Grandparents is that they get a place right on the beach with a pool and love to baby sit a certain 3 month old. Harper and Papa really bonded!

Loves to swim!

eating popsicles by the pool

play dough on the deck

Our front yard:)

sand castles

soaking in the sun

The Saladins with baby Miller on the way:)

Miniature golf

He loves golf!


Thanks Nana and Papa for the awesome trip. As usual the kids loved "Camp Nana." That lady can entertain a bunch of boys!

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