Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Huge Scare

On Wednesday night we put Campbell to bed around 7:00. Nothing was out of the usual. He was happy, healthy, and sleepy. Around 11:00, I heard a noise coming from his room. We usually let him go back to sleep on his own, but for some reason I went to check on him.
He was sitting in his bed, his eyes were as big as saucers, and he was gasping for air. I originally thought he was choking on something. I looked in his mouth, but saw nothing. I picked him up and it seemed to get worse. I got Matt and we decided to take him to the Emergency Room. As we were driving the gasping seemed to get a little better, than it would get worse.
When we arrived at the hospital, we were taken back right away. They got his stats and put him on 2 different breathing treatments, then gave him an oral steroid. It turns out he had the croup.
After a few hours, he was completely fine. He was even laughing and flirting with the doctor and nurses.
It was the strangest and scariest thing!

Here are a few pictures from his visit Matt took with his iphone(after things calmed down)

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