Saturday, April 16, 2011

I'm 1 Month Old!

I cannot believe you are already 1 month old. Besides the reflux (see post) you are such a sweet baby. You love to cuddle and be loved on. You are very observant and seem to like things quiet and relaxed. You really wake up during Cam's nap and when he goes to sleep. We joke and say you are playing dead so Cam doesn't mess with you when he is awake:). Speaking of Cam....he really loves you. He loves to help feed you, rock you, and especially burp you (anyway he can hit and get away with it makes him happy). He wants you to sleep in his bed and gets upset when you can't. He loves to read books in your room. I think you guys are going to be great friends!

At your 1 month doctor appointment you weigh 8 pounds 5 ounces. You are 21 inches long. We are in love with every inch of you!

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