Saturday, July 16, 2011

4 Months Old

I cannot believe another month has passed. My little infant is now a baby. She is rolling over back to front and front to back. She is smiling and laughing (my favorite). She is also talking a lot, especially to her baby doll. She just babbles and babbles! She is still sleeping through the night, but doesn't like to take naps during the day. Needless to say, we are not giving up on the naps! My little girl already has her first tooth coming in. Harper is wearing 3-6 month clothes and a size 2 diaper. She is drinking 5 oz every 4 hours. She is a great eater. She weighs 14lbs 11 oz (65th percentile) and is 2' 2.38" (97th percentile). She is a tall drink of water!

She is still on the Prilosec for the acid reflux. We met with the nephrologist (kidney doctor) about the kidney reflux and they want to keep her on the Bactrim till she's 18 months. Then they will retest her to see if it has healed itself.

Harper loves watching her brother. She will just smile and smile at him. She loves the exersaucer and play mat. She had become a little spoiled and likes to be held. We are trying to break this habit but it's hard not to love on her all the time:). They are only little once, right??

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