Sunday, December 4, 2011

ADP Holiday Party

One of the best things about being married to a payroll nerd (to be honest, I have no idea what he does at ADP) is their holiday party. They make it a true family event. This year they rented out the Marriott ballroom and had a theatre, tons of yummy food, games, crafts, and Santa. The kids had a blast and we didn't have to wait in any lines or pay for Santa pictures. I heart this big time!

we are so crafty:)

games with Daddy

enjoying a pretzel

Harper even had fun people watching

ADP takes pictures for you and they turned out much better. I just didn't feel like scanning:). Cam and Harper did really good. I thought she would melt down because she is going through a mommy only stage, but she did great! Cam asked for a drum and Santa said only if he agreed to stop playing it when his sister goes down for a nap. Love it!

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