Saturday, December 17, 2011

I'm 9 Months

My sweet little girl is 9 months old. You are 18 pounds of pure fun. You now have 5 teeth and love to eat everything, including your fingers. You stand for long periods of time. You get closer and closer everyday to taking your first steps. You love to play patty cake, peek-a-boo, and the itsy-bitsy spider. You have a huge laugh and a bigger scream if something is not going your way. Boy, can you get mad! You are very determined! You still have an obsession with cords and outlets. You love dogs and stuffed animals. It's so much fun to see your little personality starting to form.
You are the sweetest thing!
snacking on her fingers

Harper and her dog. This is the closest we will get to having a real dog for a really long time:).

I can't believe you're 1st birthday is around the corner! You are growing up so fast!

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