Friday, March 16, 2012

I'm One!

What a crazy year this has been. From coming 3 weeks early to all the crying (I'm talking about a lot of ear piercing, make you lose your mind kind of crying), I cannot believe we all lived through it.
Harper had a rough start, but now we have a different little girl. She is happy most of the time, gives the best hugs and kisses, has the biggest laugh, loves her Mama and Daddy like there's no tomorrow, and truly looks up to her big brother. We could not imagine life without her.
At one, Harper has now been walking and running for 2 1/2 months. She has 8 teeth and uses them well. She will eat anything! From green olives to hamburgers, this girl has a huge appetite. She loves climbing steps and hates getting dresses or undressed. She has a temper and will let you know if she doesn't like something. Since getting tubes, she now has lots of words. Her favorite are Ma-ma, Da-da, thank you, nana (banana), and uh oh (which she says before she drops something:). She is 20 pounds 8 ounces (around the 25th percentile) and 2 feet 7 inches (89th percentile). She is absolutely perfect!

Happy First Birthday My Sweet Girl!

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