Saturday, June 26, 2010

Aquarium Fun and A New Addition to the Family

Yesterday Matt took off work and we headed down to the Georgia Aquarium to spend the day under the sea:). Cam was a little tired by the time we got in, but he was amazed by all the fish. I think he had a pretty good time:)

meeting some new friends

teething and watching the fish (multitasking:)

kisses for everyone

Cam's first taste of The Varsity (a greasy way to end the day)

Now for the new addition. No, I am not pregnant. But Matt did wait in line for almost 6 hours on Thursday to get his new iPhone. Apparently the video and camera are better quality than the old one (along with some other things that I didn't really listen to). Using our MacBook Pro and his new phone he created this video. It's too big to upload here, so below is the link to watch it. I was pretty impressed.

1 comment:

Kasi Sexton said...

Thanks y'all. Now I want a macbook AND the new iphone!

Seriously, this is just beautiful! I know you'll be so happy that you spent the time creating this many, many years from now.

And that Cam is just so stinkin' handsome! Oh yeah, I've already booked the wedding photographer for 2032... just so you know... :o)